SKYBIRD - project 696
(c) 2000-2024 SKYBIRD Pro Luftfahrt e.V.

photos: Reinhart Losch & Stephan Wagner
text Andreas Dietrich & Reinhart Losch

update 07.01.2024

Projekt 696           sticker           Project 696

The historical aircraft museum located in the north-west of the town Cottbus could purchase this former Soviet made fighter-bomber MiG-23BN with the formerly East German Air Force tactical number „696“ in september 2011.
Upon their retirement in 1990 nearly all EGAF MiG-23’s found new owners such as museums and private patrons. In this way the a/c – now with the GAF tactical number 20+44 - has been preserved by the Automobilmuseum Fichtelberg that is located close to the bavarian town of Hof.

The „696“ endured the long time relatively well. However, on further examination, the structural damage will be visible, not to mention the quite weathered coating.
The aircraft museum staff was very happy about this lucky deal. But they do know that there is a lot to do for conservation works, restoration and revarnishing in order to preserve it for a new life inside the museum’s exhibition space.

All MiG-23BN’s of the former EGAF were based with the 37rd fighter-bomber squadron in Drewitz a few  kilometers away from the town of Cottbus in the most eastern part of Germany. Now the leader of the „Project 696“, the former MiG-23BN pilot Andreas Dietrich (see picture below), is untiringly active to organise support and money for restoration of this proudly retired from service military aircraft.


Our nonprofit association "Skybird Pro Luftfahrt e.V." will help to find more enthusiasts and supporters for the "Project 696".
If you are interested, please visit this following specially for this purpose designed website link:

"Flugplatzmuseum Cottbus"

update autumn 2023
Skybird member Stephan Wagner performed replace of corroded fuselage skin panels in autumn 2023.
Find some pictures during the repair below

repair696a  repair696b

repair696c  repair696d

repair696e  repair696f

  Stephan Wagner and two young apprentises of the EFW Elbe Flugzeugwerke
performed the repair of the MiG-23BN 696 !

repair696h  repair696i

auf Bild klicken zum Vergrößern!  / click on screen to enlarge!

696  MiG-23BN  East German Air Force
c/n 0393214212
696  MiG-23BN  East German Air Force
c/n 0393214212, 20+44 tactical number still readable
former MiG-23BN pilot Andreas Dietrich, now as the project manager for the "Project 696", beside his
fighter bomber a/c.

MiG-23BN  East German Air Force, „696“,  c/n 0393214212, nose section,
please note the original and typically for the EGAF fighter a/c red tactical number „696“

696  MiG-23BN  East German Air Force
c/n 0393214212
696  MiG-23BN  East German Air Force
c/n 0393214212, cockpit
696  MiG-23BN  East German Air Force
c/n 0393214212, cockpit
696  MiG-23BN  East German Air Force
c/n 0393214212
an aviation enthusiast who had worked with the former overhaul company "VEB Flugzeugwerft Dresden", still knows many details of this fighter bomber aircraft ....